Do you have trouble organising your domestic cleaning tasks? You need structure. You also need a reliable schedule to follow so that you save time and have everything under control. Planning your tasks always makes the execution somehow easier. We love helping you in any way possible, so we have created the perfect cleaning schedule telling you exactly when and what to clean to maintain a sparkling home at all occasions. Let’s start with the least frequent and finish off with the daily tasks.
Yearly Cleaning Chores
Some things in your home wouldn’t require so much attention all the time, therefore you can brush it aside for weeks and even weeks. However, it is good to complete these tasks at least once a year:
- Clean the fireplace and chimney
- Deep clean your windows
- Clean vents
- Deep clean carpets and rugs
- Clean out the gutters
Every 3 to 6 Months
There are other chores that also don’t need to be repeated too often, but certainly need attention more than once a year. This is mainly to ensure you and your family lives in a pleasant and healthy environment.
- Clean your fridge and freezer
- Clean under and behind the furniture and appliances
- Clean your oven
- Descale the coffee machine and kettle
- Vacuum the mattresses
- Wash shower curtain
- Wash pillows and comforters
- Wash curtains
Here we are, moving on to the more frequently performed household tasks. These are not too hard and shouldn’t really take a lot of time, even though you only engage with them once a month.
- Vacuum the vents
- Clean the light fixtures
- Dust the blinds
- Clean the dishwasher, washing machine and microwave
If you want to live in a well organised and safe home, you should commit to doing these cleaning tasks every week.
- Clean the mirrors and other glass surfaces
- Dust/vacuum the furniture
- Mop all hard floors
- Scrub bathroom surfaces
- Wipe kitchen surfaces
- Vacuum the entire house
- Change bed sheets
- Get rid of expired food
- Freshen the bins
- Sanitise the toilet and bath
Twice a week
Depending on the size of your family, sometimes you would need to do some tasks more frequently than once a week, but as often as every day.
- Doing the laundry
- Ironing
- Folding clothes
- Take out the bins
And here we go – the daily struggles! Actually, it shouldn’t be as hard as it seems. Once you spread your tasks over different time periods and follow your schedule it really gets easy. So every day you should:
- Make the bed
- Wash the dishes
- Mop the kitchen floor
- Wipe down bathroom surfaces
- Vacuum main living spaces
- Put away toys and clutter
Bear in mind that if you are a mom of more than one child under the age of 7 you may have to perform the daily tasks hourly. 😁
You see! Now everything is much more bearable. There’s beauty in the routine because it helps you stay organised and manage your time better. If after all, you still think you can’t cope with all the cleaning chores yourself, call us for help. Fill in the form below and we will get back to you in no time!