Home appliances are often the heart and soul of the home. But to function well and long, they need our regular attention. Think of it like the shower you take every morning. It is essential for your health. In the same way, our home appliances need regular cleaning. And the more modernised your home is, the more fancy appliances you might have. Here are some tips for easy maintenance of home appliances that need regular cleaning.
1. The Cooker
The cooker, the centrepiece of the kitchen, is not very easy to maintain. It has many parts that need proper attention and good care. The secret of maintaining your cooker in a good condition is in the frequency of cleaning. The more often you clean, the less efforts you have to put in. Try to clean up a little after every use, whether it is frying, grilling, steaming and so on. All you need is a polishing cotton cloth, kitchen spray and oven detergent. Make sure you wait for 20-30 minutes after use for the hobs to cool down before you start the cleaning. Use warm water or the kitchen detergent to get rid of the greasy surface.
2. The Oven
The oven can be a nightmare to clean. But if you give it some attention every week, you can avoid the bad experience. It should be enough to spray it with oven cleaner, leave it closed for 20 minutes and just wipe off gently. Finish the cleaning process by wiping with warm water and cotton cloth.
3. The toaster
Regular cleaning is essential for your toaster. Not only it can look gross if you let it be for long, but it can also be a potential threat to your health. Unplug the appliance and empty the crumb tray. Dislodge burnt-on food with a toothbrush or an old credit card. Reach into the slots of a regular toaster with a wet pastry brush. Clean and polish the outside surface with glass cleaner and polishing cloth.
4. The Microwave
The microwave is another home appliance you should put on the schedule for regular cleaning. Here’s a good homemade recipe for microwave cleaning. Place a coffee mug or a small bowl filled with water and a few slices of lemon in the centre of the microwave. Run it on high power for three minutes. Let the lemon water sit inside for three more minutes. The steam will soften food spills, and the lemon aroma will eliminate bad odours. Wipe down the walls with a clean cloth soaked in warm, soapy water. Scrub the wheels with a toothbrush. Wipe the exterior all-purpose cleaner or glass cleaner and a cotton cloth.
5. Blender or Kitchen Robot
It’s important for the appliances that you use the most to get regular cleaning. The blender or kitchen robot is one of them. Pop off the blades and any other removable parts. Soak them in a sink filled with warm water and all purpose cleaner. Hand wash the blender carafe and the food-processor bowl using warm, soapy water. You can also use the dishwasher for the parts. A nylon brush should remove any particles caked onto the blades. Dry the blades with a clean towel or cloth to prevent rust.
6. Dishwasher
Your dishwasher is a lifesaver, isn’t it? But do you clean it often enough? Place a cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe container on the upper rack of the machine. Run the dishwasher through a hot-water cycle. This will wash away grease and grime and remove musty doors too.
Baking soda rinse: Sprinkle one cup of baking soda across the bottom of the dishwasher. This should also neutralise any unpleasant odours. Adopt the routine once per month.
7. Coffee machine or Coffee Maker
Last but not least, your coffee machine or coffee maker deserves regular cleaning. If you are using a coffee machine, remove all the handles from the brewing heads and remove the empty coffee cakes. With your espresso machine brush by hand, scrub away any remaining coffee grounds from the brewing heads. Remove the filter with a teaspoon and insert the blank filter into the handle. Remove the metal drip tray and clean it. Lastly, take care of the drain.
If you are using a coffee maker, then it’s a good idea to deep clean it at least once a month. However, you can maintain it weekly using vinegar. Remove any old filters or pods and empty any reservoirs. Wipe down the outside of your coffee maker and any removable parts with a damp microfibre cloth. Make sure your coffee pot or coffee mug is in place. Mix the water and vinegar together and pour them into the coffee maker’s reservoir. Run a brew cycle with nothing but the water and vinegar mixture. Fill your reservoir with filtered water and run several brew cycles to remove any traces of vinegar from the machine. Cleaning the coffee pot is not a big deal. Simply leave the vinegar in the pot until it has completely cooled. Then wash it as you normally would.